Learn How to Successfully Network in The Pandemic

The past year has changed the way many of us work and communicate. Though we’ve experienced a lot, remaining flexible and creative is key to staying successful. After all, the show must go on.  

You can still network effectively despite the need to social distance and work remotely. By taking advantage of resources available to you, it’s easy to stay connected with your network—even during the pandemic. 

Check your usual sources for networking opportunities

You aren’t the only one who’s relying more on emails and Zoom meetings. Professional organizations are taking advantage of virtual technology to continue business as close to usual as possible. Visit the website or social media pages of professional organizations, college career services, and staffing agencies in the insurance industry to check for virtual networking events. You might be surprised what you’ll find!  

Reach out to check-in

It’s not just the professional thing to do, it’s also a nice thing to do. Almost everyone struggles with changes right now, from feelings of isolation to frustrations over the need to adapt to a new way of doing things. It’s always a good idea to contact key professional references regularly to maintain a good relationship. This way, you’re not ONLY contacting them when you need a favor. And right now, is no exception. Your kind words and conversation could pull someone out of a slump they’re feeling today. Reach out by email and ask for a good time to catch up by phone or video 

Visit popular job websites

Sites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Monster are still good sources for networking. You can join groups, participate in discussions, and offer your professional advice. Now more than ever before, get your resume posted and updated your information. Recruiters are still on the search for talent, and keeping current information available is critical to finding job opportunities.  

Be a good coworker

Never forget you can be recommended for job openings within your own company, too. Maintain good communication through clear writing in emails, following up, offering to help or take on more work, and offering ideas when you have them. Being a hard worker is more important than ever before! Step up, offer your services, and stay top of mind with your boss and coworkers.  

Check out InsuranceRecruiters.com

We’re a great source of job leads in the insurance industry. To learn more, contact us today!