The Top Characteristics of a Successful Insurance Professional

In today’s world, insurance is a big deal. Whether to protect personal belongings, good health, or loss of income, many people carry multiple types of insurance policies. This means the industry is booming with job opportunities—for candidates with the right qualifications. But what do candidates need to be strong matches for client requests?

Five characteristics of the best insurance professionals

You’ll improve your job matches when you find candidates who possess the following:

  1. Good communication skills. Insurance professionals work with various types of information or data, and in a variety of different settings. Work ethic helps ensure insurance claims are paid quickly, and that policyholders receive accurate, efficient service. Good communication skills—from listening and conveying information to writing emails and keeping records—are critical to be successful in the insurance industry.
  2. Employees are handling the livelihood of customers, in whole or in part. And that requires a high degree of professionalism. This means working hard to do their very best, cooperating with coworkers, sharing ideas, and staying positive to promote a harmonious work environment.
  3. Drive to keep learning. As technology changes, so does the insurance industry. Health insurance changes with federal laws and regulations. All this change requires candidates to keep their knowledge and skills relevant. The desire to never stop learning is a valuable asset in successful candidates.
  4. Organizational skills. Insurance professionals are busy and asked to juggle multiple components—data, personal information, projects, deadlines, and more. The better they are at staying organized, the better they’ll do at their job.
  5. Commitment to excellence. This characteristic helps candidates advance in any industry. Dedication to their work helps them continue to learn and grow in their professional endeavors.

When a candidate doesn’t have everything on the list

That’s Ok—if the person is passionate and ready to learn and build their experience, they will be able to easily tack on skills they don’t already possess.

In search of a broader candidate pool?

The National Insurance Recruiters Association is looking for you! We’re a network of recruiters with inside links to top job candidates in the insurance industry. To learn more, reach out today!