Learn the Benefits of Having a Career Mentor

If you’re an insurance professional, you probably already know it’s a thriving field. But did you also know it’s full of different career paths and opportunities? It can be a little overwhelming.

Luckily, some people can help guide you. And one of them is a career mentor.

Your mentor is a valuable resource for feedback on what you’ve done so far and information on where your insurance career could lead you.

Explore your career options

If you have an idea of a role you might want to try, a mentor can give you more information about what that type of role is like and steps you can take to get there. This could include certifications, classes or training, and other professional contacts you can talk to.

Find open jobs

Networking is one of the best ways to learn about job openings. By simply asking your mentor if they’ve heard of any, you can find potential new jobs. Your mentor may also have contacts to ask about any openings within their company or department. The more people you know, the wider your net! And this is always valuable when you’re looking for a new job.

Choose the right mentor

Of course, the first step is finding someone with the background and experience that will help you. This could be someone within your current company or someone outside your company. Possibly one of your connections on LinkedIn could be a good mentor, or maybe someone in the insurance field whom you’ve known for a while. It all depends on what you’d like to learn more about.

Approach them on a professional level

It could be off-putting to email someone and say something like, “Hey, will you be my mentor?” A better approach is to reach out via email to ask if they wouldn’t mind answering a few career-related questions. Then, if possible, schedule a time to talk by phone, ask your questions and see how things go. Ask the person if they’d be open to contacting them with further questions as they pop up. A mentor-style relationship can form organically in that way.

Check out InsuranceRecruiters.com

We’ve got leads on many job openings in the insurance industry! If you’re ready to learn more, visit us online today.